Friday, September 29, 2006

You Can’t Take it with You
Audition Schedule

Here is the audition schedule for the fall play. Please be sure that you are outside the theatre about 5 minutes prior to your audition and wait to be called in. Remember, all scripts must be returned prior to auditioning! If there is a question or a problem, please see Mr. Chesler ASAP. Break a leg!!

2:45- 2:55
Kyle Marshall
Ashley Petrasek
Abigail Nutter
Sammi Penick

2:55- 3:05
Carol Leigh Womack
Jamera Simmons
Michael Sandor
Joseph Lynch

3:05- 3:15
Lindsey Martin
Alexandra Konarski
Michelle Greder
Isaac Lee

3:15- 3:25
Alyson Angstreich
Katy Magyar
Akhil Hegde
Michael Donnelly

3:25- 3:35
Stephanie Konarski
Alionka Polanco
RJ Barkelew
Joey Braccino