Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fools Cast List

Thank you to everyone for auditioning; as always it is a difficult process.  Below is the CAST LIST for the year's fall play, Fools.  The cast should report to the theater tomorrow (Thursday) after school. Bring a binder for your script and perhaps a pencil and highlighter.  If there are any questions, please talk to Mr. Chesler.

Leon Tolchinsky- Joe Lenihan
Snetsky- Frankie Marrone
Magistrate- Nazier Sanchez
Slovitch- Chris Meyer
Mishkin- Mike Einiger
Yenchna- Lia Marin
Dr. Zubritsky- Noah van Vliet
Lenya Zubritsky- Lexi Salomone
Sophia Zubritsky- Paige Jarusiewicz
Gregor Yousekevitch- Adam Taubenslag

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall Play Audition Schedule

Here is the audition schedule for the fall play on Wednesday September 30.  They take place in the theatre.  Please wait quietly out in the hall by the band room until it is time for your group to come in.  Callbacks will be Thursday Oct. 1 ONLY IF NEEDED.  If you have any questions or problems, please talk to Mr. Chesler ASAP.  Break a leg!

2:30- 2:40
Paige Jarusiewicz
Will Lomassaro
Jake Williams
Mike Einiger
Sara Donnellan

2:45- 2:55
Lia Marin
Frankie Marrone
Daniel Guix
Nazier Sanchez
Sofia (Peridot) Rose

3:00- 3:10
Lexi Salomone
Laura Cannuni
Noah vanVliet
Tobi Tella

3:15- 3:25
Trinity Mills
Joe Lenihan
Manav Thadani
Adam Taubenslag

Zena Aluboudi
Chris Meyer
Jamil Martinez
Nigel Hollis